Video of Dolphins Funny Messing With a Surfer

Ten years ago, two days before Christmas, I headed down the Great Ocean Road in search of surf. I ended up surfing at Gibson Steps, on the Shipwreck Coast near the 12 Apostles.

It's a place you can only surf when the seas are calm, because the coastline down there is often battered by large Southern Ocean swells and the ocean's often windy and wild. It feels a bit more exposed – you can look down one end of the beach to the other and see no one.

Andrew McKenna walking down to Point Addis Beach
Andrew McKenna walking down to Point Addis beach on the Shipwreck Coast near the 12 Apostles. Photograph: Nicole Cleary/The Guardian

My wife and two boys, then aged six and eight, were with me and it was nice and sunny with really clear water – one of those summer days when nothing really happens.

I'd started surfing when I was a few years older than my sons were that day. My folks would drive me down the coast from Geelong to Torquay to catch waves.

But it wasn't until I became unwell after I finished Year 12 that I started surfing as much as I could. I'd spent a month in hospital with orbital cellulitis, a life-threatening infection of the soft tissues of the eye socket.

At one point, the doctors called my family in to say their goodbyes – they thought I wouldn't make it.

Andrew McKenna at Point Addis Beach
'It's a place you can only surf when the seas are calm.' Photograph: Nicole Cleary/The Guardian

The only thing that got me through was watching surfing on the sports channel in the Royal Children's hospital – it made me reprioritise what I wanted to do with my time and I started surfing as much as I could when I was better.

That day, I headed out to surf around lunchtime. There was one other surfer in the water, a boy around 14. He was a pretty good surfer and was on a road trip from Queensland with his dad, who was filming him from the beach.

He was telling me about his trip, when out of the blue he got spooked and said he'd seen a massive fin and pointed a fair way out. I couldn't see anything.

I was trying to settle him when a pod of around 40 dolphins turned up. I told him it must have been one of the dolphins, but he was still uncomfortable.

A silhouette of Andrew McKenna
A silhouette of Andrew McKenna. Photograph: Nicole Cleary/The Guardian

As I was reassuring him, we saw a dark shape in the water, coming towards him at full speed.

I could see it was a dolphin, but he panicked as it went directly underneath him and jumped off to the side of his board, using it for protection.

The dolphin headed towards the beach and disappeared, and so did the boy. When I turned around, he was gone – he'd caught the first wave he could back to the beach.

I'd seen fins before, which ended up being nothing to worry about, like a sunbaking seal putting up a flipper, so I still wasn't worried.

But, when I looked up, I saw the dolphin heading towards me in the exact same way. It went directly under the middle of my board: really close, really fast.

Andrew McKenna at Point Addis Beach.
Andrew McKenna looks at the ocean at Point Addis. Photograph: Nicole Cleary/The Guardian

I got a weird feeling that this dolphin was trying to tell me something, because it was acting differently, and seemed to have a definite purpose.

I looked towards the beach and saw my wife playing with our sons in the sand. It gave me a strong feeling that I should go in.

When I got back to shore, the boy's dad showed me his handicam footage. It showed a large dorsal fin of a shark, confirming what the boy thought he'd seen. I don't know if the shark would have come closer to us, but dolphins are really smart animals. At that moment, I felt glad to be out of the water.

I like to think that dolphin was warning us, saving us from danger.

I decided to surf a different spot the following day.


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